Stratum Systems and Prism PC have Merged!
We’re excited to announce that Stratum Systems and Prism PC have merged! Both companies have been serving customers in the Lower Mainland since 2007.
The new company will be operating as Stratum Systems.
In addition to the full suite of IT services you’re accustomed to, you will be able to enjoy the following benefits:
Earlier office hours: we’ll be opening at 8am instead of 9am
Access to a larger inventory of parts
More manpower, enabling us to continue to offer the quick response time you’re used to
Additional technicians contributing to our pool of expertise
Additional in-house services in software development, web design and database administration
Your regular technician from Stratum or Prism will introduce any new technicians that may be working with you.
Stratum has moved into Prism’s offices, but all the usual ways of reaching us will remain unchanged. Visit the Contact page for all the latest contact information.
Cheques can be made payable to either Prism PC or Stratum Systems. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Warm regards and best wishes in the holiday season!